Widomaker Internet Services | 11860 Fishing Point Drive | Newport News, VA 23606 | 757-253-7621 | helpdesk@widomaker.com
Widomaker and Internet related news or information


Horde Webmail Changed to RoundCube Webmail on Plesk Hosting Servers

This post is only applicable to customers who have their domain’s email hosted on our Plesk hosting servers _AND_ (at least sometimes) access their email using the Horde webmail application. Note that most hosting customers use Outlook or Thunderbird to access their email, and do not regularly use webmail.

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MariaDB (MySQL) Upgrade, and Note on Supported PHP Versions, on our Plesk Hosting Servers

If you have a domain name hosted on one of our Plesk web hosting servers, please direct your web designer, webmaster, or I.T. Support, to this post.

This post covers two website hosting related items, the upcoming MariaDB (MySQL) database software upgrade, and a reminder about currently supported PHP versions.

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Thanksgiving 2021 (Nov. 24-26)

Widomaker will be closing early on, Wednesday, November 24th, 2021. We will be closed for Thanksgiving on, Thursday, November 25th, and Friday, November 26th. We will reopen on, Monday, November 29th. We wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving holiday weekend!


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