Widomaker Internet Services | 11860 Fishing Point Drive | Newport News, VA 23606 | 757-253-7621 | helpdesk@widomaker.com
Widomaker and Internet related news or information


[Fixed] Intermittent DSL issue on 8/17/2012

As of the morning of, Friday, August, 17th 2012, there is a known issue effecting aDSL customers in the area. Effected customers may experience intermittent connectivity.

We have reported the problem to the telephone company and Network technicians are working on the problem now. We hope it will be resolved quickly.

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

Updates will be provided via our automated telephone system by calling 757-253-7621 (option 2), on our weblog, or on our members website located at http://home.widomaker.com/

Update 10:46am: The phone company has reported that, after replacing some equipment, the problem has been resolved around 9:00am.

July 4th 2012 – Office Closed

In observation of the July 4th Independence Day holiday, we will be closed on Wednesday, July 4th, 2012.

Normal hours will resume on Thursday, July 5th.

All systems will remain monitored and any status updates can be found here, as well as by calling our support lines and listening to the automated message system greeting.

[Fixed] Web Hosting Outage

2/9/2012 | 2:45PM
There is a known issue that is causing Web Hosting customers to not be able to connect to their hosted web sites or hosted e-mail accounts. Network engineers are aware of, and working on the problem now. We apologize for the inconvenience. Updates will be posted here and/or available on our automated telephone system (757-253-7621).

2/10/2012 | 6:30PM
Web Hosting has been restored and services are up and running. We will continue to be testing things for the next couple of days. If any web hosting customer notices any issues they should contact our office to report them (757-253-7621). Additional details or instructions for web hosting customers may be posted here in the next few days.

Internet-Wide Protests Against the Blacklist Legislation ( #SOPA #PIPA )

When you browse The Web on Wednesday, January, 18th, you will notice that many popular sites will be displaying messages protesting the dangerous censorship legislation currently pending in Congress (#SOPA #PIPA) instead of their regular content. Sites such as Google, Wikipedia, and many others. January 18th, 2012, may be the date of the largest online protest to occur so far in Internet history. Please take the time to learn more about this important issue that effects all Internet users. See the links below for more information and actions you can take…



Help Stop The Internet Censorship Bill

no_censorship_buttonCongress is about to pass Internet censorship, even though the vast majority of Americans are opposed. We need to kill the bill to protect our rights to free speech, privacy, and prosperity.

The Senate is scheduled to vote on the internet censorship bill on Tuesday, January 24th 2012, and unless we can find 41 senators to block the vote, it is going to pass…

Can you meet with your senators during the January recess and ask them to vote it down? Visit http://americancensorship.org/ before January 24th to help.

Here is a helpful guide to In-Person Meetings with Your Congressional Representatives provided by the EFF.

[Fixed] Downtown Williamsburg DSL outage 12/29/11

Some DSL customers in the downtown Williamsburg, VA, area began to experience an outage starting around 4:12 PM today (Dec. 29, 2011). We have reported this outage to the phone company and are working with them to resolve the problem as soon as possible. At this time they have not provided an ETR (Estimated Time of Repair/Resolution). We will keep this page and our telephone system message updated with details and updates as we receive them. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Update 7:00 PM:
Customers reported being able to connect again around 6:00 PM. The outage appears to be resolved.

Say “NO” to Internet Censorship

no_censorship_buttonThe US Congress is considering America’s first system for censoring the Internet. Despite public outcry, the Internet Censorship bill could pass at any time. If it does, the Internet and free speech will never be the same.


Please take a few minutes to learn more and contact your elected officials to oppose the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA). Use the links below…




Learn more about these and similar issues by visiting the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF)

This video helps to explain the issues with these bills…

Support / Office Closed Thursday November 24th 2011

In observation of the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, our offices and support lines will be closed. Phone support will be available on Friday, November 25th, at our normal 8am to 8pm EST (however the office will be closed Friday as well), then Saturday 10am to 4pm as normal. All systems will remain monitored and any status updates can be found here, as well as by calling our support lines and listening to the automated message system greeting.


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Please support the EFF. They fight for your digital rights, and the rights of smaller ISPs, like Widomaker.
This site was setup to help communicate with customers on Widomaker services and network outages/upgrades.