Widomaker Internet Services | 11860 Fishing Point Drive | Newport News, VA 23606 | 757-253-7621 | helpdesk@widomaker.com

Widomaker Weblog

Widomaker and Internet related news or information

Help Keep Thunderbird Alive!

If you use the free Thunderbird email application, consider supporting them so that it remains free and available to everyone…

Thunderbird LogoThunderbird’s mission is to offer a time and privacy-respecting, customizable communication experience that gives you control of your data and experience. Free to everyone!

Accomplishing that mission means keeping Thunderbird secure, maintaining complex server infrastructure, updating old code, fixing bugs and developing new features. These activities aren’t cheap – requiring talented software engineers and robust infrastructure.

So today we’re asking you to help us out. If you get value from using Thunderbird, please consider giving a donation to support it!

Source: Help Keep Thunderbird Alive! — Thunderbird

Why Businesses and Domain Owners Should Implement DMARC Before February 2024

DMARCDo you send email using your own domain name?  If so, there is something you should know about and it may affect your ability to reach your email audience.

Starting in February of 2024, Google and Yahoo will require most email senders to use DMARC in order to send email to Google or Yahoo recipients. This means that if you want your emails to be delivered to Google or Yahoo recipients, you need to properly enable DMARC for your business email domain.

DMARC is an email authentication protocol that, together with SPF and DKIM, makes it easier to determine whether or not a given message is legitimately from the sender, and what to do if it isn’t. It is designed to give email domain owners the ability to protect their domain from unauthorized use, commonly known as email spoofing.

By implementing DMARC, you increase the likelihood that your emails are delivered to your customers’ inboxes, and not marked as spam or rejected. This will help you maintain a good email sending reputation.

Widomaker can help you enable SPF, DKIM, and DMARC for your business email domain, even if the domain is not hosted with us. We are email deployment experts. Contact us today, by telephone or email, to discuss this with an email expert!

Thanksgiving 2023 (Nov. 22-24)

pumpkinWidomaker will be closing early on, Wednesday, November 22, 2023. We will be closed for Thanksgiving on, Thursday, November 23, and Friday, November 24. We will reopen on, Monday, November 27. We wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving holiday weekend!

Widomaker will soon start enforcing a new DMARC policy of “quarantine” on email from widomaker.com addresses

DMARCDear Widomaker Users,

To further enhance email security, and comply with recently announced requirements from several large email providers, including Google and Yahoo, we are announcing an important update regarding our DMARC policy enforcement for widomaker.com and tni.net.  This announcement only affects customers with an email address ending in @widomaker.com or @tni.net.  There is a separate announcement concerning web and email hosting customers with their own custom domain names.

To find out what DMARC is, and how it can affect whether your email reaches the Inbox of your recipients, continue reading…
Continue reading

Design Beautiful Websites! A new self-service website builder is available for web hosting customers!

Sitejet BuilderA new website builder is now available to our web hosting customers. Easily create professional websites without coding or hiring a designer. Pick a template, customize it with our drag & drop editor, and click “publish” to go live. Sitejet Builder for Plesk lets you design your own website directly from your Plesk control panel. It has all the tools you need for website building, no coding required. Contact us with any questions.

Is your hosted email domain ready for Google’s & Yahoo’s DMARC requirements?

DMARCStarting in February of 2024, Google, Yahoo, and others, will begin requiring that DMARC, SPF, and DKIM, be properly set up on your domain name, if you will be sending email, from your email domain, to them. DMARC, SPF, and DKIM, help authenticate email senders by verifying that the emails came from the domain that they claim to be from.

You can check your domain name, to see if DMARC has already been set up, by using this DMARC Check tool.

Contact us, to set up an appointment, to review your domain, and make sure DMARC is properly set up, so you don’t have trouble sending email to those providers beginning in 2024.

Temporarily disabled HTTP/2 on our Plesk hosting servers due to Rapid Reset vulnerability CVE-2023-44487

10/11/2023: HTTP/2 Rapid ResetWe have temporarily disabled HTTP/2 on our Plesk web hosting servers, due to a recently disclosed vulnerability in HTTP/2. Our servers will serve web pages using HTTP/1.1 until software updates containing the necessary mitigations are provided by Plesk, and Nginx. The effect of this change from HTTP/2 to HTTP/1.1 should, at most, be a slight reduction in website performance.

11/8/2023 Update: HTTP/2 has been re-enabled based on guidance from Plesk.


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