Widomaker Internet Services | 11860 Fishing Point Drive | Newport News, VA 23606 | 757-253-7621 | helpdesk@widomaker.com
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[Resolved] Web Hosting Server Downtime (ServInt to Leaseweb Migration)

Note: Updates will be posted to the top of this page, with the previous messages further down…

[Update 12/26/2018]
The server provider resolved the Plesk license issue on the afternoon of 12/24/2018. The Plesk Control Panel is available, again.

[Update 12:00am 12/8/2018]
The server provider has resolved the mySQL database issues. Websites that use a mySQL database are, again, working properly. There remains a Plesk Control Panel license issue which prevents logging into the Plesk Control Panel to make changes. We have a trouble ticket open for this issue and are waiting for a resolution. With the exception of the license issues, it appears all services on the Plesk6 hosting server are back up and running.

[Update 2:00pm 12/7/2018]
We have been notified that the migration is complete. Mail service on the server is working. However, many websites that use a mySQL database are not working. We have opened a trouble ticket with the server provider and are waiting for a resolution.

[Update 12:00pm 12/7/2018]
The Plesk6 web server migration and downtime has begun (described further below). The server provider started the migration a day later than they estimated they would, in their notification to us. We have requested an estimated time of completion from them, but have not, yet, received a response. Stay tuned to this page for updates, as available. Widomaker’s Status Page can be checked to see the current status of the Plesk6 web server.

[Original Announcement 12/4/2018]
This announcement is intended for Widomaker customers who have their own custom domain name, and have a website, and/or e-mail addresses, hosted with Widomaker, using that custom domain name. Hosting customers should carefully read this announcement, and pass it along to any others who should be notified, including webmasters, or IT support staff. The following announcement ONLY concerns customers who have their own custom domain name (ie. www.my-domain-name.com or email@my-domain-name.com).

The Widomaker hosting server (Plesk6) will be unavailable for an unknown period of time, beginning in the next 24 to 48 hours. During the downtime, any websites hosted on the server will be unavailable. Access to e-mail hosted on the server will also be unavailable. Further details are below.

The server provider we use for our Plesk hosting server is ServInt, which is based in Northern Virginia, and was founded in 1995. They have recently been acquired by another company (Leaseweb), which is, unfortunately, making some changes.

We apologize for the short notice, however, ServInt just notified us that our Plesk hosting server (plesk6.widomaker.com) will be moved to new Leaseweb infrastructure in the next 24 to 48 hours.

Their notification included the following details:

“There will be some downtime during this transfer process. Actual downtimes will differ based on the amount of data needed to transfer.”

We have found out that another customer’s server, hosted with ServInt, and recently migrated to Leaseweb, took almost 20 hours, during which time the server was unavailable. That is an unreasonable amount of time to take for a migration of a busy server. We hope that the migration of our server will not take that long, and complete quickly, without any issues. However, we wanted to let you know about the possibility of extended downtime.

We are already making plans to move our Plesk hosting server away from ServInt to a different, and more supportive provider, in the coming months. However, we are unable to complete that complex move before this ServInt to Leaseweb migration occurs in the next 24 to 48 hours.

This migration may also affect Widomaker’s home page and Weblog, which we use to communicate with our customers. As a result, we are recommending, if you are unable to reach Widomaker’s home page (http://home.widomaker.com/) or Weblog (http://weblog.widomaker.com/), that you visit Widomaker’s Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/widomakercom/) or Twitter (https://twitter.com/widomakercom) pages to receive any available status updates.

We apologize for the upcoming hosting server downtime, and the short notice.


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