Email Maintenance Starting at 11:00 PM EST, on Thursday, Nov. 28, 2024
Our email server provider has recently notified us of scheduled maintenance to occur this evening, November 28, 2024, starting at 11:00 PM EST…
We will be performing an upgrade after 11pm EST (10pm CST/8pm PST). This upgrade requires us to rebuild our servers, so there will be a chance for a short amount of downtime. We will be adding capacity for expected increased load due to seasonality and to improve our ability to respond in real time […] [to] incidents.
This may affect customers with (or email addresses, and other customers using our Hosted Email Pro Enhanced Email. During the maintenance there will likely be service interruptions.
Customers using Widomaker’s Plesk, for email, also known as Hosted Email Pro Standard Email, are NOT affected.
Click the link, below, for updates from our server provider…
Hosted Email Scheduled Maintenance
Additional maintenance has also been scheduled for Monday, December 2, and Tuesday, December 3, beginning at 11:00 PM EST on both evenings.