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E-mail Settings for widomaker.com Addresses

E-mail Settings

If your e-mail address ends in widomaker.com or tni.net, or if you can access your e-mail by logging into webmail.widomaker.com, or you are using Widomaker’s Hosted Email Pro (Enhanced), then the following are the general settings necessary to configure e-mail client software, such as Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, or a mobile e-mail app (Mail app on iPhone, Gmail app on Android, K9 app on Android, or Thunderbird app on Android).  If your e-mail or domain name is hosted on one of our Plesk hosting servers, these are NOT the correct settings for you.

First some definitions. POP and IMAP are two methods to access e-mail.

What is POP (POP3)? [1]

POP works by contacting your email service and downloading all of your new messages from it. Once they are downloaded onto your PC or Mac, they are deleted from the email service. This means that after the email is downloaded, it can only be accessed using the same computer. If you try to access your email from a different device, the messages that have been previously downloaded won’t be available to you. Sent mail is stored locally on your PC or Mac, not on the email server. A lot of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) give you email accounts that use POP.

What is IMAP? [1]

IMAP allows you to access your email wherever you are, from any device. When you read an email message using IMAP, you aren’t actually downloading or storing it on your computer; instead, you’re reading it from the email service. As a result, you can check your email from different devices, anywhere in the world: your phone, a computer, a friend’s computer. IMAP only downloads a message when you click on it, and attachments aren’t automatically downloaded…

You must usually choose either POP3 or IMAP when setting up e-mail client software.  Today, IMAP is the most common choice.


Mail Client Settings – IMAP4
[your email address]
Mail Client Settings – POP3
[your email address]
Mail Client Settings – SMTP (Sending)
[your email address]

[1.] “What are IMAP and POP?” Microsoft, May 18, 2018, https://support.office.com/en-US/article/What-are-IMAP-and-POP-ca2c5799-49f9-4079-aefe-ddca85d5b1c9


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